Saturday, 11 April 2009

Put Yourself In My Place

This videos follows a campaign run by LA agency David & Goliath to raise awareness for the Weingart Homeless Center. They took an ambient approach that invited people to imagine themselves homeless for a moment. The photographed 12 of the 70,000 homeless people living on the streets of LA in the places they call home, getting them to write on a piece of card board "Before You Turn Away, Put Yourself In My Place." with the website for the WHC. They then edited the faces out of the photographs and made life size, photo-realistic cardboard cut outs of the photographs and put them around the streets and shopping centers of Beverley Hills. Suddenly, the homeless could not be ignored. The results were huge increases in traffic to the WHC website and, according to David & Goliath, raised funds at WHC.

A poignant message sent through a clever and well though out ambient/guerrilla campaign. Watch the video, it is great to catch a couple of passer-bys reactions to the cutouts and also see a little of the process behind making the campaign a reality. Here are a few shots of the boards out in public.

Heres the link you need to pass this on:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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