Saturday, 21 March 2009

Behind The Scenes - Sony Bravia Bouncy Balls

So after the last post I thought it would be sensible to post a behind-the-scenes look at the making of quite an influential and memorable advert.

Everyone must have seen the Sony Bravia campaign over the last couple of years. This advert was one of the first, and one of the best of the lot and is highly regarded in the industry as, well, AWESOME!

Check out how they made wasn't just CGI!


E_M_Y said...

i love this advert! have you seen the making of the paint one?
some one in my I.T. class was watching it.

iliketweet said...

This advert is amazing, i love it. I like when the frog jumps out of the way.
Thanks for your nice comment :)

Anonymous said...

I really like this advert, they should make every advert like this because then you wil watch tv for the adverts and not for the programs.