Saturday, 28 March 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Throughout the social-networking hemisphere people are talking about the WWF sponsored Earth Hour. I thought I would jump on the band wagon simply because there is a cool advert to go with it. The Sydney division of ad agency Leo Burnett have created the advert above to promote the event. I think it is clever, if not slightly on the long side. But it makes it's point clearly.

To be honest, I doubt I will be able to turn off my lights for an hour tonight, I have a lot to do but we will see.

If you haven't heard about the event - the idea is that you turn off all unnecessary lighting between 8.30-9.30pm local time TONIGHT! Sydney started off the event and apparently over 800 cities around the world are doing their bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what did the woman do when she wrapped that baby up? did she chuck it over the balcony?...slightly worried!