Saturday, 28 March 2009

Give This A Go

Someone just linked to this on Twitter so I just HAD to whack it up on here. I gave it a go and it does work! A couple minutes of light relief from what ever you are doing!

How did it go for you?!


Anonymous said...

Damn you. Now my wife thinks I'm insane (because I'm sitting here making circles with my foot while drawing sixes in the air with my hand), AND I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I can figure out how to do this. Damn you.


E_M_Y said...

I can do it fine. hmmm.

Anonymous said...

yep got me mate! try doing both feet clockwise then doing the number 8 with both hands....ha ha! do it its a new funky dance ! ishall name it the gorilla! lol

MACK said...

Great little distraction. I thought for sure I could force myself to stay clockwise, but couldn't.

Elise said...

hahaha other than looking like an idiot sticking my arm and leg out?


Ed said...

Now stick your leg out in front of you, watch your foot and draw with your finger...I've cracked it!

soph's said...

wow thats so cool! btw love the blog :)