So here is a pair of jeans designed by a 22 year old product design student. They feature a built in keyboard, mouse and speakers. There is only one downside to them . . . they arn't wireless . . . yet!
Will they catch on? Would you wear them?
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I don't think so. The idea of typing on top of my crotch makes me feel as if people will think I'm a little off my rocker. Maybe that's just me.
I want a pair!
even if they dont type or anything i just want them! please make them! please be cheap too XD
hope all is well with you these days.
So ,,, ummmmm ,,,,, obvious question ,,,, how do I wash them!!
I agree with Randa - typing on my crotch, especially in public, would just be plain awkward. And what happens when a clumsy person like me spills something in their lap? You just shorted out your pants.
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